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5 Benefits to Working with This London Life Coach

It’s well-known that working with a life coach can bring huge benefits to your life – but these benefits can vary depending on the coach you work with. In this blog, I will cover 5 benefits you’ll get specifically from working with me! (If you're curious, number 5 is the whole reason I became a coach in the first place!).

1. Dedicated You Time

How often do we get time and space dedicated to ourselves and ourselves alone? That's exactly what you’ll get with one-to-one coaching. The whole hourly session is dedicated to you and what you want to achieve. I, as a coach have no agenda (apart from wanting you to succeed!). I will not tell you what I think you should or must be doing (although I'm very happy to offer suggestions if asked). The choice is yours!

2. Find out What Makes Your Heart Sing…As Well As What's Scaring You

If you're looking into coaching, it’s probably because you've realized life's become a bit so-so. You've lost touch with any dreams you once had and forgotten what really makes you tick. You have a real, pressing feeling that you need to make big changes for greater life satisfaction – but you may not have a clear idea of what this “better life” will look or feel like, let alone what you’d need to do to get there.

It’s also very likely that one of the reasons you’re feeling so stuck is because of fear. This could be of the unknown, or making a mistake, or it could be another thing that you don’t have a clear picture of.

Coaching with me involves going down lots of metaphorical twists and turns. We’ll look at what matters most to you, what’s driving you to seek change, what lights your world on fire, and how to make the scary stuff a little less so. In the process of all this, you’ll also…

3. Learn About Psychology

Having a background in psychology means I know how to evaluate research on various coaching techniques. This means I know how to spot the dodgy ones (which means I can tell you exactly why all those "inspirational" Instagram accounts that you follow actually make you feel worse in the long run), but it also means I know how to assess what does work – and I LOVE sharing psychological knowledge with my clients (I’m a real nerd for it).

Coming from psychology also means that I generally stick to using evidence-based coaching techniques myself. What this means is techniques and approaches that have been researched and found to be effective (i.e. not trying to change your life by "cosmically ordering" the things you want while taking zero steps to work towards them). Which brings me to...

4. Taking Action

A big feature of the way I coach is working towards taking practical steps. Life coaching has a bit of a reputation for getting you feeling inspired and good, but inspiration without action won't take you very far. One of the ways I do this is at the end of each coaching session, I’ll help you define and note down a number of steps for you to work on before our next session. I also offer additional coaching by email in between sessions if you want extra momentum and accountability.

By putting together all of these four steps, you will be able to…

5. Do What You Felt Was Impossible

Let's be honest, trying to make any kind of life change can feel really intimidating, especially if you're trying to do it on your own. Added to that, if all you have is a kind of vague idea about what you want with no idea of how to get there, it can feel downright impossible.

One of the primary features of my coaching is taking things step by step (one of my key phrases is, “Significant shifts from tiny tweaks”, that is, big changes come from small steps). We’ll build and build and, before you know it, you’ll be doing what felt impossible at the beginning without feeling like it’s much effort at all.

There are many more benefits to working with a life coach, these are just 5 that you will get specifically from working with me. To find out more about me and the services I offer, visit my website.

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